Sunday, 13 March 2011


Make caramel is very easy, and in this manual I will tell how to make caramel from sugar.
What you need:
A few spoons
Frying pan or saucepan
Take a deep bowl and fill it with cold water. Prepare a few tablespoons. We take what you need sugar (3 tablespoons for example) and put it on what some small skillet or saucepan, turn to medium heat and wait until it is melted, stirring it with a spoon. When all the sugar melts and becomes brown over the plate with water, pour it in the first spoonful. Then, when you're done pour the mixture into a spoon, fill the pan with water and set it on fire, to wash it from caramel. If you want a soft caramel, it is necessary when the melted sugar, fill it with small amount of hot water (1 / 5 cups) to give a clear caramel. Pulls out her spoon and place on a plate until it cools down.
Successful preparation


  1. Delicious! I'm going to make this tomorrow :D

  2. Great! Now all we need is for you to teach us how to make candy :P

  3. thanks for the guide. ill have to try it out someday

  4. Hm... never knew this, I should make this!

  5. Caramel, second only to chocolate and cheese.

  6. I use a combo of brown sugar, butter, corn syrup and condensed milk. It makes an amazing soft caramel, perfect for ice cream toppings or on top of popcorn. It's like an orgasm for your mouth!

    In fact.... that sounds pretty good. I may have to make some tonight...

  7. great post, thanks for sharing.

  8. Is it hard to make? it sounds relatively easy, but then again you need a bit experience

  9. I'm gonna try it this weekedn
